ECHA presses for higher quality of registration dossiers

Zadavatel: TÜV SÜD Czech | 17.12.2013

Munich / Brussels (Pressweb) - To date, many registrations under REACH have failed to meet the requirements of the European chemicals regulation. This was one of the most important findings at the ECHA's most recent "Stakeholder Day" in Brussels. The registration authority referred to the improvement of compliance as one of its key objectives. TÜV SÜD assists companies in submitting correct registration, ensuring legal compliance and reliable planning.

Over 7,300 substances have been registered since 2008. By late 2013, the ECHA had evaluated around 1,000 registration dossiers, accounting for around 25 per cent of all substances registered up to 2010. "The ECHA announced the publication of its evaluation report for late February 2014", reports Dr Dieter Reiml, REACH expert at TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH. "However, at the Stakeholder Day it had already become evident that the Agency is unhappy about the report's conclusions." The evaluation revealed that many of the registrations are still not in compliance with REACH. This might result in legal disputes, prosecution by the supervisory authorities of the Member States or even, in certain cases, in withdrawal of the registration number. Unclear substance identity or inadequate scientific justification of substance identity are further deficits identified in many registration dossiers.

At its Stakeholder Day, the ECHA said that it regarded the improvement of compliance as one of its main objectives. The information submitted by registrants supplies the basis for workplace health and safety, control along the supply chain and improved information of the general public. Registrants should be aware that a lack of information may lead to inadequate measures of workplace health and safety or cause consumer hazards. The agency's roadmap for the 2018 registration deadline, which will come into effect in 2014, will provide for more stringent quality control. All dossiers are to be systematically screened to ensure their consistency and compliance and that they are fit for purpose. This means:

  • registration dossiers must not include any contradicting information,
  • registration dossiers must be in compliance with the regulatory requirements of REACH,
  • registration dossiers must prove that they can be used for communication along the supply chain, information of the general public and within the scope of the regulatory process.

TÜV SÜD has successfully submitted a large number of registration dossiers since 2008, including lead dossiers for all types of substances and substances with all kind of intrinsic properties. "By ensuring adequate quality of the registration dossiers, companies cannot only avoid disputes with the ECHA and national authorities, but also save costs", explains Dr Dieter Reiml. "Dossiers that are prepared by experienced experts do not need any updates and corrections, thus significantly reducing lead time and costs." Further information about the services provided by TÜV SÜD in this sector is available at


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