From Jarov to Hollywood: The Experience of an MUP Graduate
On behalf of the Department of Anglophone Studies, we would like to extend our most cordial invitation to you to attend the first STAR Discussion of the 2016/2017 winter semester!
Redakční poznámka: Za pravdivost obsahu odpovídají zadavatelé jednotlivých článků.
The Department of International Relations and European Studies at the MUP is excited to invite you to the three day Certificate Course „Explaining Brexit – Understanding Brexit“, starting from the 19 June 2017 in Prague.
V souvislosti se státním svátkem dne 14. 4. 2017 se stanovuje rozhodnutím rektora rektorský den na čtvrtek 13. 4. 2017.
Centrum bezpečnostních studií Metropolitní univerzity Praha si vás dovoluje pozvat na kulatý stůl na téma Přístup Ruské federace a Západu ke krizi na Ukrajině, na kterém vystoupí gen. Ing. Andor Šándor.
The Department of International Relations and European Studies cordially invites you to the guest lecture Challenging Sovereignty: How Russia Exploits its Diaspora in the Post-Soviet Space given by Anna Arutunyan.
Professor Daryl Lim and Professor Michael Seng are visiting professors at MUP and they give a lecture on “Current problems of American Patent Law” (Prof. Lim) and "Protection of Trade Secrets and Privacy and Freedom of Speech in American Law” (Prof. Seng).
Professor Michael Seng as the visiting professor at MUP gives a lecture on “Presidential Powers in the United States and Police Misconduct”.
Center for Security Studies and Department of Security Studies cordially invite you to public lecture “No Data? No Problem! A Guide to Researching Contemporary North Korea” by Dr. Virginie Grzelczyk, Aston University, UK.
Katedra mediálních studií si vás dovoluje pozvat na besedu z cyklu Zákulisí médií, jejímž hostem bude moderátor a zakladatel DVTV Martin Veselovský.
The Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies and the Department of Asian Studies cordially invite you to a presentation of Sichuan University "The Belt and Road Initiative" Scholarship.
Book launch of our PostDoc Evans Fanoulis "The Democratic Quality of European Security and Defence Policy: Between Practices of Governance and Practices of Freedom", coming out with Routledge.
Katedra asijských studií MUP zve všechny zájemce na hostovskou přednášku slovenského filosofa, kulturologa a indologa, univ. prof. PhDr. Dalimíra Hajka, DrSc. ze Žilinské univerzity.
9th Annual Prague Conference on Asian Studies hosted by the Department of Asian Studies.
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